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Tag: language

This Old Sword: Episode 1

The first episode of my podcast is titled Fun Things. I spent time responding to other Anchor podcasters before sharing my own content in the next episode.

Tim Shorts over at Gothridge Manor talks about creating a naming language after a few calls-ins about whips. I leave him a message about my experiences with creating these languages and using them in-game.

Larry Hamilton at Follow Me and Die talks about the Read & Write Magic spells, so of course I feel the need to talk about how I don't use either of those spells as written in the rules.

Charles Thorin advises us to throw out our Monster Manual. I couldn't agree more and I go on to ramble about one-line stat blocks.

I worry about sounding pretentious.

By accident, I include an Intro to the Episode 2 about the Black Hack. I also manage to introduce voice messages, but don't actually include them until the next episode.

So all in all, I manage to record 1.25 episodes in my inaugural episode. Not bad for a cell phone and a free app!

Eldritch Is An Interesting Word

The American Heritage dictionary defines eldritch as:

strange or unearthly; eerie.

The etymology of the word is thought to be from a Middle English word elriche. æl- is an Old English prefix that means strange or other. (The word for foreigner is elþeodig.)The other part is a bit sketchy, but I choose to believe the American Heritage Dictionary because I like it. Anyway, rice means kingdom. One synonym for kingdom is realm, so that gives me a rough translation of eldritch as "strange realm".

For the three of you that haven't tuned out yet, the Old English word for strange is closely related to the word we have nowadays as elf.

Why do I care about this? Well, I am on the search for words that convey eldritch, but in another language. Through the magic of Google Translate to provide a "good enough for gaming" translation, I get some word(s) that might prove very useful.

  • Alamaneh (two words in the original language)
  • mdaula (again, two words in the original language)
  • kinga tanga ke
  • Garib D'Yar

Maybe I will only use these as inscriptions on magic items. I will say, though, that I really like Garib D'Yar. It sounds otherworldly to me, even if it sounds a lot like Galeb Duhr. Maybe they can be connected.

Tomorrow morning, I'll have a post about a big project regarding magic for S&W. This post is about a related random idea in an effort to get posting instead of just thinking.

More to follow.

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