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Takteek Testing

My friend, mrtool, has made marked pieces for Takteek. The pieces are black and silver and about 1" round discs. Each is stamped with the appropriate rank, including demoted pieces. The Flag and Archers are specially marked to make them distinct.

Last Friday, we played on a square board with hexagons instead of squares. We did not get to playtest the variation with dice, though we both want to. I don't own any dice (oddly enough) that I can find.

Two other ideas will need exploring in the coming days:

  • an Octagonal board - hexes do not allow true left and right movement.
  • Variation on checkers, a piece can only 'jump' a piece with the same rank or lower. Upon reaching the other side, the piece is elevated one rank and can move backwards.

See you next month after more playtesting!

More on Lenga

Updates are forthcoming. What has happened up to this point:

  • The magic system has been completely worked out.
  • The Lenga language has been developed enough to begin giving the proper Lenga names to spells. (Optional in game play)

For those that play the Action! System, being an autulus (spellcaster pronounced aw-TUL-us) cost about 90 skill points for two advantages (choosing type of autulus and one metamagic advantage) and 15 spells with level 5 proficiency in three schools of magic. A character could not be this type of autulus in a Realistic game, but fits in well with a Cinematic or Extreme game.

More later.

Lenga Delays

It turns out that an African Adventures module for the D20 system uses mchwai, the Kiswahili word for magician, in a similar fashion as I do in Lenga. For this and other similarities, I've had to change what the spellcasters are called. I have never read, played, or in any way used material from the supplement, but I do not want the appearance of being a copycat. I only discovered the issue by doing a Google search on various Lenga words.

As such, the Bantu languages will serve as less of an inspiration for Lenga spells inspired by Basque instead. However, as many of the concpets were more Oriental in inspiration, the elemental foci of magic and other mechanics should not change very much.

It will also give me a chance to rename the Ogdan to the Gruyet (pronounced Groo-YAY). I just couldn't stop thinking of Ogden Nash everytime I sat down to write about them.

The next post will specifically deal more with the geogrpahy and the rewrite of previously posted material.

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