I discovered that I hadn't modified my functions file to get the tagging to work. I did, however, discover that if you reply to this post, it appears as a comment on the blog post. How cool is that?
Let's see how this post appears on dice.camp.
Home of the Odd Duk
I discovered that I hadn't modified my functions file to get the tagging to work. I did, however, discover that if you reply to this post, it appears as a comment on the blog post. How cool is that?
Let's see how this post appears on dice.camp.
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2e clone 5e 30 Days ACKS Action! Andras arcanist class cleric compendium dice dragons generator idea ideas Lenga links lorica M20 magic magic system mechanic monster ogl opend6 OSR paper pills primordial psionicist psionics races retroclone rpg samoora Spell building spellcasters spelljammer spells statis-pro football Swords and Wixardry Tanah Con-Rahn tbh The Black Hack Tiezerakan worldbuilding
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@admin Tags are still not coming over. This is an old theme, so this may not work perfectly.