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Mnemosyne Changes

As a result of work with BTRC materials, a couple major changes are coming.

Normal score for an attribute is changing from 3 to 4. This means that starting point pools will increase appropriately. Points for Skills remain the same. Normal skill level for any given skill remains 2.

Along with this, the STR table has been completely changed with different weights. However, the exact correspondence of score to kilograms will be in the GM Guide. For each increase in the STR attribute, the character is 1.5 times stronger. In other words, a character with an STR 5 is 1.5 times stronger than a character with an STR 4. This remains consistent, regardless of scale.

If a player wishes to perform a lifting or breaking or other feat of strength, it will be a skill roll against the Strength (or BODY in MUSE) attribute. The Target Number will be determined by the approximate weight of the object. Again, this will be in the GMs guide. This was done to avoid getting bogged down in exactly how much a certain object weighs. This also allows for supernatural feats of strength that some people have done under great stress without providing a talents, traits, or costing an action point.

A score of 4 STR and BODY yields 2d6 punch damage. This is slightly more than the old scale in Action! To determine punch damage, divide the STR (or BODY) attribute by 2. Fractions are changed into +2. For example, a STR of 5 does 2d6+2 damage.

Melee weapons, kicks, and martial arts techniques do damage based on Punch damage. Damage for any of these items will be listed as punch+x. (I still have to consider how this affects characters with a greater STR than 10.) Melee weapons will do lethal damage, instead of stun damage. Depending on the specific weapon, they will also do penetrating damage.

As far as bladed weapons go, Knives do punch-2 P/L, Daggers do Punch P/L, Short Swords do Punch+2 P/L, Broadswords do Punch+D6 P/L, Hand-and-a-Half Swords do Punch+D6+2 P/L, and Great Swords do Punch+2d6 P/L.

Clubs and such do damage based on mass of the club. A Tetsubo does Punch+2d6 B/L damage, while a typical baseball bat does Punch+2 B/L damage.

More things will be developed. It is hoped that by using BTRC materials, there will be a consistency of scale. Mark Arsenault, the creator of Action! used 3G3, so I see it as more of a continuation of his work using tools that he used.

RPG Purchase

Some time ago, the Blacksburg Tactical Research Center wrote an interesting game aid called Guns, Guns, Guns. The interesting thing was that this was a system designed to help the GM create consistent weapons of all kinds. Everything from swords to railguns are covered. Not only that, you can create weapons that are "ahead of their time". For example, the tech exists for a rail gun today, but no standard issue soldier has one that we know of. However, if you want to have a secret commando group that has a prototype, there is a way to create one.

Swords? Yes, swords, axes, bows and crossbows. All of these are detailed as well. One thing to note is that there is a theory that a heavier blade delivers more damage. That is mostly true. Mass and velocity do the damage, not just mass alone. Given that, it balances it pretty well. Still, if you put in an unrealistically heavy sword (like 10 kg for a two handed sword), you'll get a powerful blade. That is probably the book's only flaw, though it suits RPG pretty well.

I am creating spreadsheets to cover all kinds of weapons, including a 'gun' for Bedriana. I'm using magic in a slightly different way than I'm accustomed, I'm using it to create better 'black powder'. The shot will still be stone or a round iron ball (which is not as accurate as a slug). It's great to be able to create this.

Even better, a consistent system for everything from a club to a particle beam.

Oh yeah, there's lots and lots of math.

sorry, I drooled a bit.

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