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Tag: nerd projectitis

Sum Bach o Hud

For 2014, I've embarked on a new project for Swords & Wizardry. This won't be for money and it will be OGL. Sum Bach o Hud is a rough translation of the English phrase "a little bit of magic". This project will explore many different magic systems for use in Swords & Wizardry, but should work fine in any other OSR-inspired system.

Here is the progress so far:

I plan to explore a whole lot of different magic systems ranging from spell point systems to free-form to anything in-between. One of the systems I am proud of is called the Emphases System. It is just a couple +1 or +2 bonus here and there, but when applied to the various systems, the results are interesting.

In the end, I hope to assemble some modular pieces to allow folks to make their own interesting magic systems. I also plan on demonstrating this later on in the year.

I've read some historical stuff like Beholder magazine and the Complete Warlock as well as looked at other systems like Ars Magica, D6, and Fudge. I've even got Role-Aids Arch Magic book around here somewhere (anyone need a 15th level spell?) Anything is fair game. Suggestions are always welcome.



Fighting Off Nerd Projectitis

A quick note to add to yesterday's post about platform.

I hope that providing data files will also help to create other applications to help with G+ Games, Maptools or any other online system. I prefer in person games, so I will probably work on things that make good use of a netbook or laptop.

Again, I believe that if anything of Andras is used, it may be certain interesting subsystems like the d20+d10 non-weapon proficiencies and background skills that add a non-game altering, minor boon. An example of the minor boon would be a character that rolls the background of chicken-butcher. The minor boon is the ability to use a meat cleaver as a weapon without penalty. The cleaver does 1d4 bludgeoning damage per hit.

If a character with this background becomes a mage, they have a weapon proficiency that doesn't seriously throw off balance. They still only have 1d4 hit points, they can still only do 1d4 damage, they still have a crummy THAC0. A creative player, however, can use this as a centerpoint to the mage's descent into madness or make it a humorous skill at camp time.

Chicken again?

So, I have gained a weapon against my nerd projectitis - I've been cut off from Google Reader for most of my day, now. I have no access to Twitter to speak of and my G+ usage is on the way down. This means I will be focused on creating content, the slogging part of the content.

This is where I make the monster descriptions, spell descriptions, classes, kits, random tables and the like. The combat rules need a good walk-through. Weapons need to be assigned speed factors. The OpenD6 spells need to be converted and examples of spell creation worked out. I need to write a better description of the five archetypes (Warrior, Priest, Mage, Rogue and Psionicists) and the classes that fall under them. The psionic combat system needs a simplification. Heck, the psionic power list need to be finalized. On top of that, I need to finalize the XP awards for exploration.

Lots to do, for sure. All of these items have been started, but now it's time to finish.

If I can post half as much as +Tom King, I think I'll be doing well.

I'll still post about the primordials, because they replace golems and elementals in the Creature book. I hope to write about the Anabe, a myconoid's distant cousin and their main adversary, an anti-fungal creature that uses it strange magnetic powers for locomotion. I also hope to develop the cyberorcs for a Blackmoorish encounter in the Southern sub-continent. Bwahaha.

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