I discovered that I hadn't modified my functions file to get the tagging to work. I did, however, discover that if you reply to this post, it appears as a comment on the blog post. How cool is that?
Let's see how this post appears on dice.camp.
Home of the Odd Duk
I discovered that I hadn't modified my functions file to get the tagging to work. I did, however, discover that if you reply to this post, it appears as a comment on the blog post. How cool is that?
Let's see how this post appears on dice.camp.
My posts only appear when logged in as me. They aren't marked private. WHAT?!?!
EDIT: It turns out that it is an issue with my old theme and WordPress 3.13. In the meantime, I love this theme, Wallow except for the &@*#($ black bars on the sharedaddy toolbar. I can't get rid of it.