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Mind Flayer Alternative

If you need Mind Flayers with an extra dose of creepiness, use the Phrenic Scourge. I run Spelljammer with these substituted for Mind Flayers and it makes a big difference.

For one, you cannot read their mind because it's not one mind but many. You aren't going to win a psionic battle with these space slugs because you are vastly outnumbered already.

They are straight-up alien. No two will be exactly alike. They leave madness in their wake.

As a GM, I feel the inner Bwa Ha Ha every time I include one of these. Go and do likewise. 🙂


Open Game License v 1.0, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Unearthed Arcana Copyright 2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman
The Iconic Bestiary: Classics of Fantasy Copyright 2005, Lions Den Press; Author Ari Marmell

The Grand OGL Wiki, http://grandwiki.wikidot.com Copyright 2008-2011 Purple Duck Games; Authors: Mark Gedak, Alex Schroeder, Joel Arellano, George Fields, Yair Rezek, Mike Whalen, Shane O'Connor, Mike Rickard, John Whamond, Bill Browne, Eric Williamson, Slatz Grubnik, Charles R. Wenzler Jr, John Fraser, Jonathon Thompson, Thomas Boxall.

These guys make a perfect foil to Mind Flayers. Best of all, they are OGL!

Open D6 PDFs

UPDATE: June 6,2011 - About a dozen folks come here a day, so I want to provide the most up to date list

UPDATE: Four new files now available as of today.

The pdf files for OpenD6 are now available. Thanks to a user that goes my Temprus, the OGL has been added to the original PDF files. As of July 28, 2009, not all links work. I've marked the ones that are not currently working. Let me know if a pdf comes available, the link is correct for the file once it is available and uploaded.

Default Complete OpenD6 OGL Books Links + Mirror Sites

Hosted by West End Games

D6 Adventure (weg51011OGL.pdf)
D6 Adventure Locations (weg51016OGL.pdf)
D6 Fantasy (weg51013OGL.pdf)
D6 Fantasy Creatures (weg51015OGL.pdf)
D6 Fantasy Locations (weg51020OGL.pdf)
D6 Magic (weg51024OGL.pdf)
D6 Space (weg51012OGL.pdf)
D6 Space Ships (weg51017OGL.pdf)

Hosted by Polgarus Games

The D6 System: The Customizable Roleplaying Game (1996)
D6 Legend (1999)
D6 Adventure
D6 Adventure: Creatures
D6 Adventure: Locations
D6 Fantasy
D6 Fantasy: Creatures
D6 Fantasy: Locations
D6 Magic
D6 Space
D6 Space: Aliens I
D6 Space: Ships

Hosted at The Game District

The D6 System: The Customizable Roleplaying Game (1996)
D6 Legend (1999)
D6 Adventure
D6 Adventure: Creatures
D6 Adventure: Locations
D6 Fantasy
D6 Fantasy: Creatures
D6 Fantasy: Locations
D6 Magic
D6 Space
D6 Space (rtf)
D6 Space: Aliens I
D6 Space: Ships

Hosted at Critical Press Media


Open D6 OGL Related Sites

Age of Enlightenment D6
Cinema6 RPG Framework
Mini Six
Open D6 Resurrection Wiki
Preternatural RPG
RPG Library Open D6 Page
Six-Sided Fantasy Reference Document

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