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Alternative to Kickstarter

On G+ earlier tonight, I posted about a different type of crowdfunding site. The site is called Patreon and it features a different system intended to reward content makers for making new content.

I've tried to explain it, but I really can't explain it better than they can. Here is the basic idea from the FAQ:

General Questions

  • What is Patreon?

Patreon lets fans become patrons of their favorite artists and content creators. Unlike other fundraising services that raise for a single big event, Patreon is for content creators who create a stream of smaller works, like youtube musicians, bloggers, comic creators, etc.

  • Who can be a content creator on Patreon?

Anyone! All you need to do is setup your creator profile on the site and then tell your fans about it.

  • What are the benefits of Patreon?

As a content creator:

  • Get funded for working on what you love
  • Give back to your most passionate fans with rewards
  • Continue growing your fanbase with our social tools

As a patron and fan:

  • Support the artists and content creators that you care most about
  • Get rewarded by your favorite artists with pre-sell concert tickets, personal gifts, hangouts or meet & greets, or anything else they can offer as a way to say thanks
  • Spread the word so others can support your favorite artists and content creators

I see folks like Autarch with ACKS doing Kickstarter after Kickstarter and it works for them. They have about 115K for income in about 94 weeks. That's just not bad, you know?

They are always making content, interacting with their fans, being human when criticized and most importantly, they make a great game.

So what would it look like if a game company made more content, more often? The closest thing that comes to a Patreon type of thing is dungeonaday.com Pay 60 or 120 USD and you get lots and lots of great content in an easy to digest format. Yet Patreon works differently...

Note: I am not knocking dungeonaday.com. They have a great business model, I only use them to show differences in business models.

Dungeonaday - buy a subscription, get everything. I assume that subscriptions are renewed yearly.

Patreon - Pledge a certain amount of money for a creative work, pay only for things you want. Cap your expenses if the artist you patronize is really prolific. 🙂

Neither one is a bad idea, just different.

So if it's not Kickstarter and not Dungeonaday, what would a successful game creator on Patreon look like?

Well, there would have to be enough free content to get an idea of the type of games and game materials the game creator makes. Patreon provides a platform to do this, but some of the most successful content makers on the site also take advantage of personal blogs, YouTube and other sites.

A successful game creator would also need to interact with people interested in his/her games. Patreon provides a platform for this as well, but I would imagine the bare minimum would be a presence on Google Plus and Twitter.

So a game creator makes some cool stuff that you can get for free. What reason is there to pay money? Money would have to offer some kind of access, special content and/or varying degrees of creative control. I'll talk about this more with a specific example.

Joe makes games. He decides to setup a website at joesgames.com He joins Google Plus and Twitter and begins to follow some other users. He also sets up an account on Patreon.com.

He could run a Kickstarter to get off the ground (like Autarch), but decides to write about games he loves and smaller games he has already written. He posts on his blog, patreon.com, and Google Plus. He gets to know some other gamers, participates in GAME BLOG DAY and interacts with others, as he is able, on Twitter and Google plus.

With cross-posting on Patreon.com, someone asks about the whole money thing. This gives him a chance to explain that he can create more games if folks become patrons of his work. Maybe the first patron posting nets only a dollar, but it is something, you know?

As he talks to others, he also explains that patrons get games early, help playtest and have the ability to get special items. He may even decide that to sell his games at DriveThru__ - but only after patrons already have the games for three weeks.

What about special items? For his role-playing games, he can make cool things like a Pocketmod book. Let's say Joe has a maker friend, he could make a few minis (only about 10) or special tokens or other cool things. The special items don't have a limit. He could get the folks at Artisan Dice to make a few custom sets of dice as giveaway to the largest patrons.

If a patron believes he is good enough, that patron could even request the creation of a specific game.

None of this prevents Joe from giving away stuff, selling inexpensive pdfs, selling printed copies through DriveThru or Lulu or even making box sets.

Sure it is not a guarantee. Joe may make crappy games that no one likes but him and his mom. Still, it seems entirely possible that this type of business model could work for someone.

What do you think?


Change of Theme

It's simple and not cluttered.

I'm rebooting the blog in an effort to write more. At the moment, I tend to write more at Google+ instead of here. That's not a bad thing, except that I have larger pieces I want to write. Outside of this site, I have two more personal writing projects for my family. I may share those at some point, but for the time being, those are more personal.

On this blog, I plan on posting about two different things: Magic Systems in RPGs and Swords & Wizardry.

Every Monday, I will have a post about various magic systems. I love magic systems, especially ones that I can get to work in a game. Outside of an explanation of the system itself, I'll include a way to somehow shoehorn them into either Swords & Wizardry or some other D&D clone. The first set of posts will start with systems found in old fanzines, textfiles from various BBS's and my personal notes from 1981 - 1988. Other sources will include systems mentioned in Dragon magazine and various d20 products. I look forward to seeing what comes of it.

Other posts will appear semi-regularly. I am one of a handful of editors on the Swords & Wizardry SRD site, so in addition to various changes happening there, I want to add content to the forthcoming third party section of the site.

Discussion of this post can be had below in the comments, or here on Google.

Alas, Alack and Alay

Sorry for the lack of posting here and on Google Plus and Twitter. Due to complication from sleep apnea, my overall health has been in decline for a number of weeks. This weekend will be an effort to get lots of rest.

When I feel better, I hope to have a ghost generator for ACKS suitable for use with or without the Psioncist stuff I'm working on. Ghosts are so configurable, you can have almost all the monsters you need for a campaign using just them. I know that shadows are not ghosts, but I am making them similar for the purposes of the generator and the psionicist stuff. To make an analogy of what I have in mind -  Shadows are to ghosts what zombies are to Vampires.

No promises on ETA. I am not sure when I will be feeling better. I am spending more time doing the positive things to help (better food choices, regular exercise, seeing the doctor about adjusting the CPAP, etc.). I have lost about 10 pounds, and that helps a lot.

Until next time, I really hope this is my last personal post ever.

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