No periscope today, which was disappointing. Will try again tomorrow.
Although word count I'd not so important with a game, I am happy to get 500 word today.
Basic character creation written today:
If you are a mage character, set the magic attribute at 1 and distribute eleven points amongst the remaining four attributes.
If you are not a mage character, set the magic attribute at 0 and distribute twelve points amongst the remaining four attributes.
No attribute can be zero except the magic attribute. Having zero for the magic attribute did not prevent a character from carrying spells.
Game mechanics:
For all things mundane (non-magic) Roll 3d6 plus relevant attribute plus any specializations greater than or equal to 15.
For all things magic, the mechanic Will be a separate post.
Under each attribute is a space to mark experience for that attribute. When a roll fails, add a tally mark under the relevant attribute. When the tally marks are four greater than the attribute, the character either increases the attribute by one or adds a specialization four that attribute. Specializations add three to a roll where that specialization Is used.
Magic attribute changes in the next post.