November 2016 Project: Dragon Pearls

Dragon Pearls

overheard from Raffin Fane

Dragon pearls is what lets them monsters fly. Only a handful of them around. Hard to get because it's the first thing to rot when a dragon dies.

The good ones don't like to think about it, but they know a [dragon] pearl is cut out while it's still alive. Sure, they like to say "The egg will break but the shell remains". Sure they hate against the evil ones something fierce. But they squirm like a child when they see one of them pearls.

A dragon's got a notch between the skull and backbone. A good spike or dirk there won't kill it, but it won't be able to move none either.

Don't know if they can feel anything. Don't really care.

Happened on one of the little fire-breathers once. Cut out a pearl about the size of my thumbnail. It's purple. Had it made into an earring.

Handy thing to have around. Can't fly with it, but I can go where I please without leaving no footprints.