How would you handle a trait type spell, like Growth (Trait: Tall), which increases the size of a character by one size level?

I hadn't done this one yet, so here is the off-the-cuff idea:

Physical Growth - Earth Spell - TN 15 Cost 2
Duration: 30 sec per Skill Level
Range: 1 meter
Lenga Translation: (dictionary on another computer)

The subject of this spell doubles in size and increases their weight eightfold. The effect lasts only a few minutes. Clothing and nonmagical equipment increase proportionately in size as well. Magical items do not change size, as such this spell will not function on creatures wearing magical armor.

Game terms:
The subject of the spell increases one level on the size chart. They gain the temporary benefits of +2 STR and +1 LIF. Melee weapons gain an additional dice of damage and suffer -1 Init penalty for the duration of the spell. Penalties toward the TN for distance and target moving apply and are cumulative. The intended target must be in the line of sight for the spell to function.

This spell cannot be used to crush the target in a confined space. If the target is wearing magical armor, the spell will fail. Use the Effect Number to find the greatest consequence on the Spell Failure table.

(Shape) Double the cost for double the size increment and associates benefits, the spell cannot be used to 'triple' a creature's size, it only works in factors of two.

(Shape) Double the cost for moving up one or down one step on the time chart to increase duration. (For example, by doubling the cost, the duration is 5 minutes per skill level)

(Control) One mana point can be spent to offset penalties for distance and target moving by one point.

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