Each side has 26 pieces. Two 5 rank pieces, Four 4 rank pieces, Eight 3 rank pieces, Eight 2 rank pieces and Four 1 rank pieces(archers). Upon being attacked by a superior force, a piece is demoted one rank. If a piece has already been demoted and is attacked by a superior piece, it is removed from the board, not demoted. If a piece comes into contact with an equally ranked piece, both are removed from the board – no demotion.

Undemoted 1 rank pieces are archers that attack from two squares away, or one square diagonally. Pieces they attack are demoted without revealing rank. They cannot attack adjacent squares. They are taken by any piece directly.

Variant rule: A demoted piece becomes an enemy piece!(Except when attacked by an archer)
Tactique (Pronounced Tak-TEEK)

A Game for Two Players.

The object of the game is to capture the opponent’s flag.

To start the game:

Players choose which set of pieces they wish. (The colors can be any two different colors.)
Each player starts with an army of 27 pieces, in order of rank from high to low, consisting of:

2 Commanders
4 Calavrymen
8 Pikemen
8 Infantry
4 Archers

There is also 1 Flag, the only piece that is not moveable. Note that the moveable pieces have a number or letter to designate the order of rank. Thus, the Commander is ranked 5 (highest), the Calvaryman 4, the Pikemen 3, the Infantry 2, and the Archers who are marked with an "A".

In addition to the 27 pieces are another 22 pieces marked with a "D". These pieces are called demoted pieces and are not placed on the board at the beginning of the game. Their function is explained in the rules for attacking.

1. The players place one piece in each square of their half of the board. It is important that a divider is placed between the two players' pieces so that they cannot see where their opponent has placed their pieces. The final three rows are to be filled from each end. That is, 8 per row, 3 rows deep. The fourth row from the back has three pieces placed anywhere in the row you wish.
2. When playing the opponent should not see the rank of your pieces.
3. Once both sides have placed their pieces on the board, remove the divider to begin play.


You and your opponent alternate turns.

On your turn you can do one of the following:

Move one of your playing pieces to an open adjacent space.
Attack one of your opponent's playing pieces
Charge one of your pieces into a square directly in front of one of your opponent's playing pieces and declare and attack.

A charge is moving and attacking in the same turn.


1. Pieces move any number of squares forward, backward or sideways.

2. Pieces cannot move diagonally. They cannot jump over another piece. They cannot move onto a square already occupied by another piece (unless attacking).

3. A piece cannot move back and forth between the same two squares in three consecutive turns.

4. Only one piece can be moved on a turn.

Remember, the Flag piece cannot be moved and must remain on the square where it was originally placed throughout the game.

Rules for Attack:

1. When two opposing pieces occupy adjacent spaces either back to back, side to side, or face to face, they are in a position to attack. When charging, a piece is moved to an adjacent sqaure before proceeding.

2. When a piece is two spaces away from an Archer orthogonally, or one space away from an Archer diagonally, it will be attacked by the Archer before the opponents next move. The archer's attack is not optional and is always played.

3. Before moving or attacking, Archer attacks are resolved. Any piece struck by an archer attack is demoted one rank. The archer does not announce his location in any way. If the defending piece has already been demoted, it is removed from the game. The archer does not move into the sqaure of the defending piece removed from the board.

4. To attack on your turn, take your attacking piece and lightly tap your opponent's piece. Then, declare the rank of your attacking piece. Your opponent then declares the rank of his/her defending piece.

4. The piece with the lower rank is demoted and replaced with a demoted piece of lower rank. If the piece with the lower rank has already been demoted, the demoted piece is removed from the board. Also, if the piece with the lower rank is an Archer it is removed from the board. If your piece (the attacking piece) is the remaining and winning piece, it moves into the space formerly occupied by the defending piece. If the remaining and winning piece is the defending piece, it stays on the square it was in when it was attacked.

5. When pieces of the same rank battle, both pieces are removed from the game without being demoted.

6. Attacking is optional for all pieces except the archer.


The first player to attack an opponent's Flag captures it and wins the game.