I updated the perl script to have a third option. If you type 'muse' as the third option, the stats will print in MUSE format (BODY, MIND, AURA) instead of Mnemosyne format (9 stats). To print Mnemosyne format, do not enter a third option (or you can enter anything else except muse.)
New feature is that instead of Natural or Weapon for attack type, the results will show Bite, Claw, Bludgeoning, or Constriction attack. I plan on adding special attacks, soon.
As always, the code follows:
srand(time ^ $$ ^ unpack "%L*", 'ps axww | gzip');
$usage="usage: $0 number maxsize\n";
$ARGV[0]=~/^(\d+)$/ && ($numb = $1) || die $usage;
$ARGV[1]=~/^(\d+)$/ && ($smass = $1) || die $usage;
$pr = $ARGV[2];
%rule = (
'P','a ambi ante circum cis co de dis ob per prae se sine sub',
'Y','Ca Ce Ci Co Cu Cy Da De Di Do Dy',
'X','Ce Ci Co o',
'V','a e i o u',
'F','Ca Ca Ca Cae Cos Com Cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Cium Cium Ces',
'C','b b c c ch ch d d d g g l l m m n n p p ph r r r s s s t t th th v x z Rr sH Ll',
'D','b b c c ch ch d d g g l l m m n n p p ph r r r s s s t t t th th v x z Rr sH Ll h qu gn pt',
'R','b b c c c ch ch g g p p ph t t th th',
'L','c ch p g f',
'H','c ch cl m n p ph pl pr qu t th',
'N','n c l r'
for (1..$numb) { print &parse('W'), " : ", &stats, "\n\n"; }
sub parse {
/[^A-Z]/ && return $_;
@TMP=split(/\s+/, $rule{$_});
$_=splice(@TMP, rand @TMP, 1);
for (split('')) { print &parse($_); }
sub stats {
$scl = (rand>0.333? 0: int(rand()*$smass)-2);
# $tst = int(114*(log($scl)));
$tst = int(rand()*8)+1;
$scfl = $scl<0? int(62*(1/(1.5**(abs($scl))))): int(62*(1.5**$scl));
$scfh = $scl<0? int(123*(1/(1.5**(abs($scl))))): int(123*(1.5**$scl));
$scm = (int(rand()*$scfl)+$scfh);
$wgfl = int(41*(exp($scl)));
$wgfh = int(72*(exp($scl)));
$wgh = (int(rand()*$wgfl)+$wgfh);
$str = int(rand()*8)+3 + ($scl*2);
$ref = int(rand()*8)+3;
$hlt = int(rand()*8)+3;
$inq = int(rand()*8)+3;
$wil = int(rand()*8)+3;
$pre = int(rand()*8)+3;
$psi = int(rand()*8)+3;
$def = 10+$ref;
$ini = int(($ref+$inq)/2);
$tgh = int(($str+$wil)/2);
$lif = ($hlt*3)+($wil*2)+($scl*5);
$av = int(rand()*(20-$scl));
$mov = int(($str+$ref+$hlt)/3);
$mind = int(($inq+$wil+$pre)/3);
# $dmg = int(rand()*3)+$str . 'd6';
# $type = (rand>0.6?"By weapon":"Natural");
%weapon = ( '1' => 'Bite',
'2' => 'Claw',
'3' => 'Claw',
'4' => 'Claw',
'5' => 'Claw',
'6' => 'Bludgeon',
'7' => 'Bludgeon',
'8' => 'Constriction');
$type = $weapon{$tst};
$damage{'Bite'} = $str . 'd6';
$scl<3? $damage{'Claw'} = '1d6': $damage{'Claw'} = $str-2 . 'd6';
$damage{'Bludgeon'} = $str+2 . 'd6';
$damage{'Constriction'} = $str+1 . 'd6';
if ($pr eq "muse") {
return "Size $scl\n Height $scm cm\t Weight $wgh kg\n BODY $mov\t MIND $mind\t AURA $psi\n DEF $def\t INI $ini\t TGH $tgh\n LIF $lif\t AV $av\t MOV $mov\n $type attack $damage{$type}"
} else {
return "Size $scl\n Height $scm cm\t Weight $wgh kg\n STR $str\t INT $inq\t AURA $psi\n REF $ref\t WIL $wil\n HLT $hlt\t PRE $pre\n DEF $def\t INI $ini\n TGH $tgh\t LIF $lif\t AV $av\n MOV $mov\n $type attack $damage{$type}";